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The Next Generation of the Oxigraf O2iM is the UltraFlow uno and Duo models.
Four (4) port Oxygen Deficiency Monitor with single high flow pump and back up low flow sample pump (UltraFlow Uno) or (2) high flow pumps (UltraFlow Duo). Internal multiplexers to sample up to four (4) line simultaneously.
You want a rock-solid and immediate oxygen alarm for concentration less than 19.5% in the event of a cryogenic spill leading to rapid displacement of breathing air.
You also want an end to frequent recalibration or replacement of oxygen sensors, high maintenance of sampling systems, false alarms, and failure to alarm.
An error budget must be established for oxygen process control. Humidity changes can cause a large variation in the oxygen measurement. A hot, wet day relative humidity of 50% at 37ºC (99ºF) corresponds to an absolute humidity of 3.2%. Such a water vapor dilution would cause a variation from the cold, dry air oxygen concentration of 20.9 to 20.2%, a change of 0.7%. If 19.5% is to be the alarm value, then variations from all other sources must be substantially less than 0.7% (the difference between 19.5 and 20.2%).